Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Special Prayer Request

My friend Phyllis has requested prayer for her new grandbaby, Joshua Tyson, who was born nearly 6 weeks ago, on December 10th.

He is currently in the hospital in New Orleans because he was born with 2 heart conditions.

The first one is that his aorta and pulmonary artery were fused into one-they never separated while in the womb. They had to do surgery on him, and thankfully pulled through that one remarkably well!

The second condition is "truncus arteriosis." I personally have not read up on this, so I can't explain it to you, but he will have to have surgery to correct that as well at a later date.

Please keep baby Tyson in your prayers! If I can, I'll try to post pictures as soon as I get some. ;)

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